My Story

My Story

I was born in Scotland and immigrated to Canada when I was four. I have lived and worked on a farm all my life and been working on it at spring and harvest since I was eleven. When I was twelve dad taught me how to drive the combine and I've ran it since then every harvest. In spring I worked the land for dad and he seeded. our farm was 2000 acres. In the summer I sail with the Manitoba Sailing Team and have been racing with them since I was 12 or 13 in a Laser Radial.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Canary Islands

It seems like its been so long since we were in the canary's I heard today that its has been 100 days since we left Collingwood and there is only 30 days or so until we all fly home for 10 days. I'm quite excited for that it will be a nice break from the people and the ship. one which we all need. also a time to catch up with friends and family. and sleep.... :P we came into the canary islands near a commercial grain trading dock there was a massive grain holding facility right next to our ship. Docking took a while due to winds and a tight docking space. We soon got shore leave after though.
 While in the Canary's we got the ships entire air conditioning ripped out and replaced. This was quite a task every pipe that deals with the air conditioning of the ship was removed and replaced with newer better material. We were all out on shore leave while it was happening so we didn't see much of the work. Shore leave in the Canary's wasn't very special it was just the same as spain and portugal.
The most interesting thing on our stay in the Canary Islands was seeing the Cristian Roddick the sister ship to the Sorlandet. Cristian Roddick was beautiful absolutely amazing. Each year the crew spends a month in Las Palmas to due maintenance on the ship so varnishing, painting, and fixing anything that needs done. being on Sorlandet and seeing what the sea does to her and  then seeing the Cristian Roddick I don't really understand what they do to her for an entire month I guess they can always find things to do though.
Although Cristian Roddick is beautiful and great and pretty much perfect in every way. It has been changed a lot over the years where Sorlandet has been preserved due to funding issues and then the realization of Norway that they should keep it original like it was in the 30s.
Our port program for the Canary's was a hike up a gorge. I was surprised at the level of danger the hike had. If anyone had fallen it wouldn't have been good. the was also an optional port program which was learning how to surf.
I opted out of doing tit and went paragliding instead which I think was way better. there was quite al lot of wind and the pilots were able to spin really fast and do flips it was a hell of a lot of fun.
That pretty much concludes the port. The men still weren't finished installing the new system so we went back tho school in an stayed at dock then left at 10 at night or something the next day.

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